Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Eight Mistakes After Meals

Apparently there are some that we think are good habits can actually interfere with the digestive sistem. We have a lot crammed full of knowledge about the rules before eating. Such as choosing healthy foods, and finally, wash your hands before eating it. But often times overlook some small habit after eating, and unexpectedly good living habits are not likely to be fatal for the health of the body. What are the habits that?

  1. Eat Fruits, habit to eat fruit after a meal it is the wrong habits. After the food into the stomach, the stomach takes 1-2 hours to digest. If a suitable meal and then eat the fruit, the fruit will be hampered by the food which had already eaten, resulting a fruit can not be digested normally. If prolonged, will cause the symptoms of flatulence, diarrhea, or constipation and other symptoms.
  2. Tea, Tea leaves contain lots of tannins ( tanat acid ), because of it, drinking tea after eating will makes proteins that have not had time ti digest the stomach together with tanat acid and form sediments that are not easily digested. This will affect the uptake of proteins and ultimately affect the digestion of food. Tea can also inhibit the absorption of iron, if circumstances so prolonged symptoms of anemia may occur due to lack of iron. Drinking coffee, milk and calcium are also not recomended after meals by blocking the absorption of iron in the body.
  3. Smoking, Dangers of smoking after a meal larger than 10-fold when regular smoking. Why? Because the circulation of blood in the digestive tract after eating are on the rise, consequenly a large number of ingredients in cigaretes, which is not good for health, will be absorbed and can damage the liver, brain and blood vessels of the heart.
  4. Bathing, Bathing after meal makes the volume of blood flow in the surface of the body will increase. While the volume of blood flow in the intestinal tract and stomach is reduced. This condition will result in lower stomach and aggravate intestinal digestive function.
  5. Excercising, Excercising after meals can affect the metabolism of the body to absorb food nutrients and can make blood pressure decreased and impairedcardiac function. Wait 2 to 3 hours after eating before you start excercising.
  6. Sing, It seems strange, really sing it banned. Actually is not prohibited, but wait a while after eating. Because, after eating the contents of our stomach to dilate, the stomach wall becomes thinner, the volume of blood flow increases. As such, the singing can make the midriff moved down, load the abdominal cavity increases, if the light will cause poor digestion, otherwise may cause stomach and symptoms of other diseases.
  7. Driving a car, accident-proneif it turns out after every meal and then run the vehicle. This is because after eating, stomach and intestine requires a large amount of blood to digest food. These conditions resulted in a large brain deprived of blood for a while, thus reducing the concentration risk. Because of satiety, you also tend to sleepy. Certainly dangerous when forced to drive. Better, taking a break before restarting your car.
  8. Making Love, Making love as well as exercise. After eating, all blood flow and centralized organs to digest food. Making love with a full stomach will reduce the enjoyment because the energy is depleted, not necessarily led to orgasm and ejaculation.
Posted on 5:06 AM / 3 comments / Read More

Monday, September 26, 2011

Avoid Controlling Diabetes With Obesity

Diabetes is a very famous disease now days and many people today are suffering from the disease and the number is growing day by day. There are few things that we should know about diabetes in order to control it better. First thing is diabetes can't be cured. If anybody claims that he can cure diabetes. His claim is false so be cautious from such scams. On the other hand diabetes is completely controllable through proper medication and life style adjustments. How we will discuss it here. It is a disease in which we one of our systems fails to operate. That system controls our blood sugar levels. Blood sugar levels are very important parameters that should be controlled and adjusted properly in order to live a healthy life otherwise it will cause serious problems to our body system. In diabetes as I have mentioned that this sugar control system goes corrupt so the only solution is to control it manually. It's just like our body is normally on auto pilot but in this case our auto pilot stop working and we have to take controls in our hands.
Now the problem is that our auto pilot was highly sophisticated and advanced and it controls our blood sugars to the best levels by itself. But as we take the control in our hands we can't achieve such levels of sophistication by any available tool. That is why diabetes is a progressive disease that is difficult to control. However there is one thing that could turn the tables. That would be obesity. In type 2 diabetes, which is the most prevalent form of diabetes today Up to 90 percent of the diabetics are suffering from type 2 diabetes, obesity is that single parameter that could help the diabetics to control their disease. Keep in mind that lipid is directly related to glucose the more you have fat on your body the more prone you would be to blood sugar crisis. There are different tools used to analyze obesity levels for example BMI (body mass index) and WHR (waist hip ratio) are the two most widely tools used for this purpose. However WHR is a better obesity analyzer that could help to check obesity and risk of diabetes.
Obesity is the mother of diabetes and diabetes can be controlled if we control obesity. That would be a simple and linear relationship.
Posted on 7:40 AM / 0 comments / Read More

Practical Ways to Lower Blood Sugar Levels

Overweight issue is the root of lots of health problems. One of the common health problems caused by obesity is body's insulin resistance. It is a physiological condition where insulin turns out to be less effective in lowering the blood sugar. Eventually, this illness will go to the condition called pre-diabetes and when not properly medicated will turn into diabetes. Diabetes is a chronic disease that is mark by a high sugar level of the blood. From these phases, there is always something you can do to break the sequence or fight any of the illness. That is by lowering the level of you blood sugar. Now, how to lower blood sugar on the body? Here are simple tips on things you can do.
Have a proper exercise. Exercise is the counterpart of obesity. It is the universal answer to most of the health issues that there is. Most of the people think that exercising is a hassle and very inconvenient but to set things straight and to draw you from doing it; the body only needs an average of 30 minutes a day of exercise to maintain blood sugar level. Furthermore, some diabetic patients say that they already experience the good result in just having a regular 20 minutes exercise. By having those short routine work outs, you are not just lowering your blood sugar level but also are protecting yourself from other diseases. Through these exercises, your muscles happen to be more sensitive to insulin and take up more glucose from the blood which lowers the blood sugar.
Another tip on how to lower blood sugar is by eating smart. Limit eating foods with saturated fats, trans fats, cholesterol, and sodium. Low-glycemic foods, which are food that are slower to digest, are the most suitable for you. This food includes vegetables, fruits, oat meal, peanuts, granola, beans, and peas. Also, foods which are high in glycemic can also facilitate lowering of sugar by producing more insulin for the body. In fact those foods are converted by the body into insulin quicker than candy bars. Included at this type are white bread, potatoes, and rice. Drinking cinnamon, decaffeinated coffee and unsweetened green tea also lowers the sugar level of the body. Another thing that would help on your goal is by maintaining the advisable 8 glasses of water a day. The studies shows that water flushes out toxins, keep the skin healthy, and supports weight loss. In addition with this foods and drinks, recent studies show that herbs also lower blood sugar. Taking ginseng after meals was proven helpful. Other herbal that you can intake are licorice extract, yarrow, and huckleberries. You could also select a diet plan to assure yourself that you will be very compliant with these good eating habits.
The last tip and a worth noting for when you already have diabetes is taking vitamins that lower blood sugar level. These vitamins have the main ingredient of chromium that is an excellent treatment for diabetes. Some of the dieticians and nutritionist would say that relying on drugs to cure diseases is not a very good idea because of its side effects. Maybe it really is? But you can lower the risk of having these side effects by choosing the nature made products. In the contrary, one of the threats these drugs do is that according to some diabetic patients, they increase more weight when they started drinking them. This happen because after consumption of the medicine, they suffer in the condition called hypoglycemia. It is characterize by under normal level of sugar blood. To normalize their sugar level, they tend to eat foods with high sugar contents, and therefore results to an increase on their weight. This could be avoided by proper or moderated intake of the medicine.
Sugar in the blood is one of the primary sources of energy of the body. It is a good chemical that when abused leads to some bad circumstances. One of this is having chains of disorder, such as overweight issue, insulin resistance, pre-diabetes, and diabetes.
Posted on 7:17 AM / 0 comments / Read More

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Lowering Diabetes With Two Easy Steps

Your blood sugar reading is a good example of overall balanced nutrition. It also gives you indirect information about how healthy you are. If you have had a wake up call about blood sugar, now is the moment of power for you to turn this around. You can treat this as a disease sentence and plan to live with it and the medication for the rest of your life, but you don't really have to...
You can easily learn to reverse your diabetes and quiet all your distressing symptoms, many have done it and so can you!
However, you will need a plan to get a hold of your sweet tooth.
First step to make - check your pantry and take note of how many high sugar foods you have around the house and make an elimination plan for yourself. For example, if you usually have 2 or more cokes or sweetened, drinks cut down to 4 oz with lots of ice. Better yet substitute green tea as a better habit. It enhances healthy longevity.
It is not wise to switch to diet drinks because that still nurtures your sweet tooth and your mindset will not change to wanting less sugar.
If you eat white bread and biscuits, a high source of sugar, use this as a chance to switch to a high fiber whole wheat bread. Then only eat the serving size on the label.
Next discard all sugar candy and foods with more than 11g of sugar per serving. Then plan to resist buying or surprise your friends and relatives by not accepting candy, even if it is sugar free...
Once you have dealt with the issue of sugar in your diet and admit your sugar craving activity, instead of denying it, then it is time for you to begin Step 2.
This is the part where you give yourself a new non eating activity that makes you feel good.
For example growing culinary herbs for new recipes that you might want to try for your new healthy lifestyle.
Then you can even relish in the idea that you are succeeding at making a lifestyle change to reverse your diabetes and increase your self- nurturing capacity by planning new self nurturing rituals.
For instance you can learn ways to quiet or rest your mind from former demanding, detrimental habits by listening to CDs with affirmations and or guided imagery.
And you can change your route to work or play so that you by- pass your favorite store to buy candy and soda.
Switch your sugary drink and stock up on a case of Perrier water or san Pellegrino water from places that sell in bulk like Costco. You will still be giving your body fluid it needs but even healthier.
To further fortify your immune system you can add orange or lemon slices to your water. This will increase your Vitamin C naturally.
Switch to drinking fresh brewed green tea. Make a ritual out of it so that you are distracted from just grabbing a soft drink. Most teas including black tea are loaded with antioxidants which your body depends on you to provide from food and drink. Seek out new flavored teas such as different varieties of Rooibos with flavors like vanilla and cinnamon orange.
This simple lifestyle change will retrain your taste buds and ultimately your whole life without you spending thousands of dollars on various medications. You can expect to be happier and healthier for the rest of your days.
Posted on 1:17 AM / 0 comments / Read More

Be careful with mobile Phone Can Trigger Brain Cancer

OK, here we go again. Decades ago, there was widespread panic over the possibility that overhead high tension electrical power lines could be a cause of cancer for people living in close proximity or underneath them. When that was disproved, the doomsday crowd went onto blame cell phones as a possible risk of brain cancer due to tiny amounts of radiation emitted when the phone is transferring data. Thus far, after dozens of studies, there has been NO conclusive evidence that cell phones produce a significant enough amount of radiation to create a measurable increase in the risk of cancer. But is there a cause for concern? Just who conducted those tests?
A new joint study from the University of California at Berkeley and multiple Universities in Korea, reexamined 465 article published in major journals along with 23 large scale case studies of over 37,916 patients. The study group was comprised of patients with and without brain tumors. They found that when they look at the group as a whole, there was no association between brain tumors and cell phone use. When they looked closer however, and divided the large group into clinically significant subgroups, there was a clear increase in risk for cancer, of up to 30%. Furthermore, they found that some of the previous studies that had yielded results of "no risk," were in fact funded by cell phone manufacturers.
Other experts including neurosurgeons have long agreed that cell phones can cause brain tumors. One such doctor, Dr. Vini Khurana, even stated that he thought mobile phones could be more dangerous than smoking or asbestos. He pointed out the there are 3 billion cell phone users in the world, which is a whopping 3 times the number of smokers worldwide, and smoking leads to 5 million deaths per year.
Advocate groups still insist however that there is no concrete, established risk. They cite correctly that in journal after peer reviewed journal, there is an overwhelming consensus that wireless cell phones do not pose a public health risk. Their claims are further backed up by the FDA, the FCC, American Cancer Society, the National Cancer Institute and the World Health Organization. Imagine, all of those private and federal watchdog groups agreeing on a single thing!
What's the bottom line? This author still isn't sure. All I know is that there are still people who believe that the lunar landing was a big hoax. There are nurses that work for me, that sadly, still won't get vaccinations for their kids for fear of increased risk of Down syndrome. For me, I'm not giving up my cell phone anytime soon. If the risk really is that significant, then we can also say that "the place we carry the phone on our bodies, may increase the risk of cancer in that particular body area." For instance, I often carry my cell phone in my shirt pocket. Will I have an increased risk for breast cancer? Hmm, I always wondered what a mammogram would feel like.
Posted on 12:55 AM / 0 comments / Read More

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Careful With Health Insurance Fraud

Today, more people are already engaged in businesses and different types of companies. The reason is because it is easier to earn a living by doing this rather than being self-employed and work really hard for a couple of bucks. However, as people strive hard tp earn an honest living, there are still a lot of those individuals who make use of deception and trickery as their main career. These people are the ones that are engaged in frauds, scams, and other similar issues.
Everyday, hundreds or maybe thousands of individuals are being victimized by these ruthless people and it is somehow a sad thought that even though many of us already have knowledge about the presence of scammers, some of us are still ending up as targets and victims. Why is this so? The reason is because even though people are already aware about these incidents, they still lack the observation and other types of factors that may help them distinguish which is a fraud and which is not. Well, this article will point out some of the most usual signs of a health insurance fraud and all of these begin with the fake insurance agent. Well of course, there is nothing more that you should ask for upon fake agents because these people automatically lead to fake insurance companies. There are a lot of things that you can notice from these so-called agents. Some of them are:
  • Impatience - You will actually notice that they are always in a hurry to make you sign the contract. Usually, when real insurance agents are trying to generate health insurance leads, they would give a certain time span upon which these potential clients can think and come up with a good decision.
  • They will attract you with extremely low rates - The reason is because we all know that health insurance premiums and rates are getting more expensive these days because of the increasing chances of accidents and other threats. Therefore, people will certainly get interested and attracted to something which is actually cheaper.
  • Affiliations - They may tell you that they are a part of a certain government organization or affiliated with a certain firm. However, do not believe them right away. Do your research and check the internet if they are really a part of these institutions.
Very long "so-called" documents - These fake insurance agents will show you documents which are extremely long and are normally written in small fonts to keep you away from actually reading them.
Posted on 3:39 AM / 1 comments / Read More
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